
In these pages, we (artists, researchers, activists) try to rethink the experience of collective creative living here and now. Living for the sake of knowledge, art, and action.

Here we describe and elaborate a method for working with reality. The general method applied here, in this newspaper, was first tried out in kitchens, in blogs, and on the streets.

Most of the texts and drawings in this issue were not only created collectively. They were also lived collectively—for nights and days on end, together. These include:

  • The collective hunger strike of our Petersburg comrades, inscribed in the historical moment by their radical interpretation of this experience.
  • The production of a new activist film. It re-enacts and ponders the thrilling events of the collective experiencing and socialization of leftist knowledge in our communal seminar in progress.
  • The wave of protest actions in support of a Novosibirsk artist.
  • The resolution to write a collective political communiqué.
  • Engagement instead of escapism.

This method is applied by merging all these elements into a single juncture in a particular place, into a concrete historical moment that we have collectively experienced and acknowledged, and by analyzing this moment in medias res.