Catalogues & Publications


Interview with Dmitry Vilensky and Tsaplya Olga Egorova

Kunstforum International, 50 Years of Kunstforum 1973-2023

kunstforum 1973-2023 – 50 years chto delat

–  The End of the Line: Historicity, Possibility and Perestroika
by Simon Sheikh 
Afterall Journal 46, 23rd July 2018

Simon Sheikh presents Chto Delat’s Perestroika Timeline as an artistic device to produce counter-narratives and alternative histories.

Sheikh Chtodelat (1)

The catalogue of the show “When we thought we knew all the answers, Life has changed all the questions” – exhibition took place at Sevilia, Spain in May 2017 and Mexico City from November 2017 till March 2018 at The Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, also known as MUAC

see all documentation and you can download a catalogue of the show at this link

– Global Activism, Art and conflicts in 21st century, a ZKMbook, MIT Press, Cambridge, London

– Entry Points: The Vera List Center Manual on Art and Social Justice, No. 1, VERA LIST CENTER FOR ART AND POLITICS, THE NEW SCHOOL, 2015 

Chto Delat. Time capsule. Artistic report on catastrophes and Utopia. Published on the occasion of the Chto Delat exhibition at Seccesion, Vienna, November 2014

Poster-time line:

Chto Delat Lexicon

catalogue-poster time line

Chto Delat catalogue published by Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, 2011 VERLAG DER BUCHHANDLUNG WALTHER KÖNIG with a contribution by Simon Sheikh, Victor Misiano and Johan Holten at:


The best of times, The worst of times, the catalogue of the first Biennale of Contemporary Art, Kiev, 2012



Gregory Shollette, Dark Matters. Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture, Plutopress, 2011

ARTE Creative TV
ARTE Creative is an international and interactive network, laboratory and magazine for contemporary culture

Caring Culture: Art, Architecture and the Politics of Public Health; SKOR, Sternberg Press, 2011

WEITH NOTEBOOK 1/ To think (film) politically Art and Activism between Representation and Direct Action (Editor Jelena Vesic), Zagreb, 2011

A Cookbook for Political Imagination, Published by Zachęta National Galery of Art and Sternberg Press, 2011

Other Possible Worlds, Proposal on this Side of Utopia, NGBK, Berlin, 2011

No Order. Art in post-fordist society. A publication by NABA, Milan

Art always has its consequences, a catalogue and a reader to the show, published by WHW, Zagreb, 2010

ar/ge kunst, Issue #07, Mousse, 2010

To the Arts, Citizens!, reader for the exhibition at Serralves Museum, Porto, 2010

Ударники Мобильных Образов (Shockworkers of Mobile Images), 1st Ural Industrial Biennale, 2010 (catalogue) 

Roland journal, ICA London Magazine, 2010

Left Curve magazine, No34, Oakland, USA

The Copyist #1: Value, free publication of Vanabbe Museum, 2010

Creamer 2010. Chto Delat? from Petersburg

Magazine D’arte della GAM, Ottobre 2010, Torrino

Political Practicies of (post)Yugoslav Art: Retrospective 01, exhibition catalogue, Akademija, Belgrade, 2010

Habitar, Cuaderno de trabajo / Simposio Injerto, reader for Ambulento film festival, 2010 

Luxemburg Heft 1/2010: Für ein linkes Mosaik, (article by Dmitry Vilensky) 

Los nuevos productivismos, Contra Textos, MACBA, Barcelona, 2010 (article by Dmitry Vilensky) 

Agorafilia.Sztuka i demokracja w postkomunistycznej Europie (Art and democracy in post communist Europe) by prof. Piotr Piotrowski, REBIS Publishing House, 2010, Poland

Quarterly № 10, propaganda press, Korea

Aprior magazine, Contour – 4th biennial of moving images, 2009

08 TB, Taipei Biennial Reader, Taipei Fine Art Museum, 2009

Land of Human Rights, Reader, published by Rotor, Revolver Publishing, 2009

Invisible Borders, Lille 3000, Stichting Kunstboek, 2009

Maska 121-122, Re-projecting radical futures, Spring 2009, Ljublina

Intersections: At the Crossroads of the Production of Knowledge, Precarity, Subjugation and the Reconstruction of History, Display and De-Linking(Löcker Verlag), Vienna 2009

Third Text No.99, 2009

In Transit, NCCA Ekaterinenburg, 2008

WAM Nr.33/34, Progressive Nostalgia, Moscow, 2008

Art Reclaims Foreign Affairs, Decision Maker, Nr.1, 2008

Monster Newspaper, (edited by Bankleer), Motorenhalle, Dresden 2008

Printed Project, Issue 10, Dmitry Vilensky interviewed by Lolita Jablonskiene, Spaces for Art, Political Learning and Subjectivation, 2008

VideoBrasil 04, 2008

Afterall Nr. 19, Interview with Gerald Rauning, 2008

Organising Realism, newspaper and online magazine, Frankfurter Kunstverein, 2008

Rethinking Marxism A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society, Volume 20, Issue 3 2008

FRAME Nr. 8, May 2008, Helsinki

Rearticulatsia Nr3, Interview with Marina Grginic, 2008

00 Document, Seul, South Korea, 2007

Moscow Art Magazine Digest 2005-2007

SUM, Issue Nr. 1 , magasin for samtidskunst, Copenhagen, 2007

Kultura, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Bremen, October 2007

Ramona 75 (October 2007), Buenos Aires,

Transversal – eipcp multilingual webjournal, 2007

Documenta 12 Magazine, Issue Nr. 3 – Education, 2007

Ante 5. Russian Art in Translation, USA, 2007

“Maska” Performing Arts Journal, Winter 2007, Lujbkiana – “A Conversation on Education as a Radical Social (and Aesthetic) Practice with Marta Gregorcic, Bojana Piskur, Marjetica Potrc and Dmitry Vilensky”

Decision Makers Nr.1, Art Reclaims Foreign Affairs, Rotor, Graz 2008

Progressive Nostalgia, Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, 2007

Normalidad (Ex-Argentina), Buenos Aires, 2007

If you see something say something, Sydney, 2007

Arts and Diversity, Botkyrka Konsthalle, Stockholm, 2007

First We Take Museum, Kiasma, Museum for Contemporary Art, 2006

Interrupted Histories, Moderna Galerija, Ljubliana, 2006

Capital (It fails us now), B-Books, 2006, p. 356

Peoples Choice, Isola Art Center, Milan, 2006

Springerin, 3/06 Vienna, 2006

Manifesta Journal, “Theses on the Mobilizational Archive”, Vol. 4, 2006

Phase2, Nummer: 22/2006, “Roger Behrens/Kerstin Stakemeier/Alice Creischer/Andreas Siekmann, Was tun? Diskussion zu den Thesen von Dmitry Vilensky”, Hamburg, 64-67

Artwurl – on line journal, Thomas Campbell, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: An Interview with Dmitry Vilensky. September 2006,

NAVA quarterly, National Association for Visual Art, Sydney, 2006

Collective Creativity, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, 2005

Flash Art International, “Focus Russia”, No.244 (October 2005)

Neue Review, Interview with Dmitry Vilensky by Frederic Maufras, Berlin, 2005

Umelec, 2/2005, Interview with Dmitry Vilensky

Site Magazine 13-14.2005, David Riff and Dmitry Vilensky, Drifting through Incomplete Renovation, p. 15, Stockholm

Istitute PRO ARTE annual journal, St.Petersburg, 2005

Project Russia, 81-92, 2005, “Derive”

Moscow Art Magazine Digest 1993-2005 Dmitry Vilensky. “What is to be done?”, p. 120-122

Cycle Tracks will Abound in Utopia, Australian Center for Contemporary Art, 2004

Faster than history, Kiasma, 2004

Journal for North-Eastern Issues, Nr.3, 2004. Hamburg

And numerous publication at Chto Delat and Moscow Art Magazine and Russian periodicals since 2003