Group Shows 2016: 

My sweet little lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise),
– a series of exhibitions based on the Kontakt Art Collection, dedicated to Mladen Stilinović, Zagreb
(The Excluded video film)

– BRIC-à-brac:The Jumble of Growth
– Today Art Museum, Beijin, China
(Tower Songspiel)

The collection of Van Abbemuseum at Le Musée Égaré, Toulouse
(Museum Songspiel)

Politics of Affinities. Experimentations between Art, Education and Politics,
Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, Italy

Rauma Biennale Balticum, Vulnerability, Finland
(The Excluded video film)

– travelling show at BWA Sokol Gallery of Contemorary Art, Nowy Sacz, Chimera-Project, Budapest, Futura, Prague

Out Of The Dark
– KOW, Berlin

If All Relationships Were to Reach Equilibrium, Then This Building Would Dissolve
– Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (MIMA), UK

Making Use Life In Postartistic Time
– Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw

Our national body,
– Shevchenko National Museum, Kiew

Restart. The Modern Art: 1960–2000.
–  as part of the project “The Tretyakov Gallery Opens Its Store”, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
(The Builders video film)

Affect and Exchange,
Kings Artist-Run, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
(Baden-Baden Lessons of Disconsent)

Ermilov Center, Kharkov, Ukrain
(The Excluded)

Selected screenings

– Moderna galerija (The excluded)

– Transborder Café, Kirkenes, Norway (The Border Musical)

– The CompARTE Festival and Solidarity, Chiapos, Mexico

ISD Museum, the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
(The Border Musical)


Theater performances:

– New People”
Impulse Theater Festival, Germany

– Novi ljudi”,
Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju, Belgrade