Palace Square. 100 years after. A film – lecture “4 seasons of Zombie” #2017

Дворцовая Площадь 100 лет спустя. Четыре Сезона Зомби. /Palace Square. 100 years after. A film – lecture “4 seasons of Zombie” from chto delat on Vimeo.

Presenter: Oxana Timofeeva
Author of Zombie-Communism Manifesto
Concept & directing: Dmitry Vilensky
Choreography: Nina Gasteva

In 1920 – three years after revolution – the new Bolshevik government commissioned Nikolay Evreinov to make a theatrical public event to celebrate 3 years of October revolution. Evreinov has created a symbolic narrative of the historical process which culminated in the armed fight at the Palace Square. This performative event was photographed and then became emblematic picture of real October Revolution.
The main subject of the Great October Revolution was a proletariat. 100 years after this event we are more and more confused who is driven force of possible and demanded transformation of our world. Who could “storm” (even symbolically) the institutions of power? We suggested that today would be helpful to use a metaphor of Zombie – a mass media symbol who desperately represent the repressed power of all excluded.
On one peaceful Sunday evening 100 years after the Revolution the film narrator (Oxana Timofeeva) stroll through the Palace Square in Saint Petersburg and encounter different events which trigger her imagination and longing for the change.

Participants of the performance
Участники перформанаса:

Жанна Долгова | Janna Dolgova; Анастасия Волохова | Anastasia Volokhova; Ася Виленская | Asya Vilenskaya; Елена Ревунова | Lena Revunova; Игорь Ламба | Igor Lamba: Алексей Кузнецов | Alexey Kuznetsov; Мария Коновалова | Maria Konovalova; Марина Мараева | Marina Maraeva; Настя Макаренко | Nastya Makarenko; Марина Русских/ Marina Russkikh; Аглая Олейникова | Aglaya Oleynikova; Палыч | Paluch; Юлия Родина | Yulia Rodina; Карина Щербакова | Karina Scherbakova; Евгения Ширяева | Evgenia Shiryaeva