please follow our updates at our facebook community group

here some selected events


Historical Materialism,
London (speakers Alexey Penzin and Oxana Timofeeva)

Former West,
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (Tsaplya-Vilensky-Penzin-Riff-Skidan-Timofeeva-Gluklya)

Malye Bannye Chteniya,
Smolny College, St. Petersburg (Magun and Skidan)

International Symposium The Structure of the Void;
Ljubljana (Oxana Timofeeva)

The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part 2
Berlin (Alexey Penzin)


Where has Communism gone?, seminar with G.M. Tamás at, Budapest

Truth is Concrete, Sterische Herbst, Graz – discussions and seminars (Vilensky-Oleynikov)

May Congress, Kiew (Oleynikov-Tsaplya-Vilensky)

You do not have to be left to think like this, exhibition as school – the series of seminars and public discussions in Petersburg, GEZ21, Pushkinskaya 10.
ArtLeaks workmeeting in Moscow

Historical Materialism, 2012, London Magun, Timofeeva, Penzin)

Border Aesthetics Conference;
University of Tromsø, Norway

Summer School 2012 – Moscow – St Petersburg with Mladen Dolar and Slavoj Zizek

Moscow Curatorial School, V-A-C Foundation, Russia (Vilensky-Tsaplya – seminars)

Marx and the aesthetics, Amsterdam University (Vilensky on skype)

ArtLeaks’ First Public Assembly and Workshop, Berlin (Tsaplya and Vilensky)

Participating in the discussion at Workstation 1: Self-organisation as Ethic, Gwangjui Biennale (Vilensky on skype)